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Gallery Knife Case / Sheath

Gallery Knife Case / Sheath
Item# newitem2459388037

Product Description

Knife Case
Knife case basket weave tooling and snap close with concho.
Knife Case R8061c-1
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Formed Knife Case
Nice heavy duty large knife case medium brown has Sheridan design on front with snap closure and belt clip on back. Knife folded size 1 3/8" x 1/2"x 5" approximately
Design your leather product today
Knife Case
Beautiful knife case features square basket weave and band with concho.
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Knife Case
Knife Case with open top, design tooled on front, medium brown, dark brown stitching,and clip on back.
Knife Case KN17-R8061a
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Knife Sheath
Knife sheath worn on belt and safety snap band in natural leather finish. Approx size blade 1 1/4" x 4"
Knife Sheath KN15-R8064-2
Design your leather product today
We look forward to crafting your personal leather or metal product.

Contact us at: rrhandmadeleather@yahoo.com phone or text: 469-337-0601